
surgery tools and alternatives, natural health alternatives to surgery

What Can I Do Instead of Surgery?

Invasive surgery can be life-changing and permanent, with extended recovery times. While surgery can be imperative and life-saving, sometimes it doesn’t have to be your first choice. With a holistic, natural approach, we believe in first trying all of the most conservative options first. Here’s big impact suggestions for surgery alternatives. Chiropractic – Spinal adjustments …

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happy older woman free from chronic pain and opioid use

How to Have An Opioid Drug Free Life

In her early sixties, Catherine was beginning to resign herself to the reduced mobility of a much older person. She required daily pain medication to function at her office job, and had been on increasingly higher doses of the prescription for the last two years. Catherine was interested but only cautiously optimistic, when she got her first chiropractic examination.

strokes and chiropractic, does chiropractic cause strokes

Deadliest Diseases: Stroke

According to the CDC, “someone in the United States has a stroke every 40 seconds. Every 4 minutes, someone dies of stroke.” This is a difficult topic in the chiropractic world, however, we aim to provide valuable, scientific information on these subjects.

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