How Chiropractic Can Help You Stay in the Moment to Achieve Future Health

You can’t instantly achieve great health, you’ll have to work on it now for the future. But you can’t live for “when it’s better,” giving up on enjoying today, either. Read to find out how chiropractic care is a choice you can make now for your future self.

Life Lessons in the Car

My six-year-old piped up from the back seat. “It’s really hot.”

“Uh huh.” I checked the A/C setting, as I continued thinking about other things.

“Why in the summer do I want it to be colder, and in the winter, I want it to be warmer?”

That got my attention. “Well, it’s hard to be happy with what we have now, isn’t it?” I said. “Why don’t we make a list of what we can enjoy in the heat, while we are looking forward to when it’s cooler?”

Wearing flipflops. The sprinkler park. Shaved ice cones.

It’ll be great when the temperatures drop – I know my energy level will go up and my dinner list will expand to include more soups and hot dishes. But let’s enjoy this summer, while we get ready for fall activities!

Staying in the moment is hard

When you desperately want to look ahead to when “things will be better,” it’s hard to enjoy the moment. It’ll be “better” when it’s not so hot. When you switch jobs. When the baby is born. When the kids are grown. When you are feeling healthier.

Oooooh. Especially that last one. We think life will be better when we have lost those pounds or achieved some other health goal. And it is true – life probably will be better when our health improves. But what are we doing today, in this moment, to reach it?

Chiropractic and Our Health

There are many things that we can do each day for our immediate and future health. All those little choices. Choose water over that tempting Dr. Pepper (insert your beverage of choice!), and feel the immediate benefit of your thirst being quenched, while your body flourishes with what it actually needed. Walk a few miles or do a hard workout and feel the rush of endorphins relieving your stress, while you can be assured the sweat investment will pay dividends in the future.

Chiropractic fits in perfectly with this thought. You can enjoy a good adjustment, feeling the release of pressure today. You also are doing yourself a favor in the future as you resolve spinal issues before they become major problems, work towards restoring function where it has already become a problem, and keep new subluxations from happening.

Chiropractic operates not just on relieving the pain you are feeling today, although we do want you pain-free ASAP. Chiropractic operates on restoring the function of the nervous system, the brain and body connection, to allow the body to heal itself. We were all amazed the first time we heard that some lizards can grow their tails back, but it isn’t any less marvelous that our bodies can heal from a paper cut without any direct, intentional action on our part. Yet we can work with our autonomous, innate functions to remove what interferes with our body doing it’s job to be healthy. ‘Cause we all know that Dr. Pepper might feel nice in the moment, but it isn’t actually helping us. (Ok, yes. I really want a Dr. Pepper!)

Dopps Chiropractic NE Wichita

Look no further for chiropractors that believe in and live out these principles than Wichita chiropractors, Drs. Ryan and Denise Dopps. They promote a healthy lifestyle, not just through chiropractic, but also with nutrition, exercise and mental well-being.

On Instagram, @ddopps Dr. Denise promotes health through nutrition and exercise. Her upcoming podcast at, encourages and stimulates mental health, using vocabulary to “elevate your voice.”

You can also find Dr. Ryan on Instagram @drdopps, where he lives out a chiropractic lifestyle and @letschalkaboutchiropractic posts fun, humorous snippets of information with colorful illustrations.

Give Drs. Ryan and Denise a call at their Wichita office, Dopps Chiropractic NE, to set up an appointment (316) 636-5550.

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