dr ryan dopps adjusting a man title mastering stress with chiropractic care

Mastering Stress: The Chiropractic Approach to Nervous System Health

Stress. That heavy load we all carry on our shoulders, both literally and figuratively. The demands of modern life can often leave us feeling overwhelmed, and tension in the shoulders, neck and back are an indication of hitting that level of “too much” we all know. Thankfully there are ways to lift some of that burden, and chiropractic care can be one of the most effective!

Chiropractors have a holistic approach to wellness specifically focused on the spine and neuromusculoskeletal health. Chiropractic care impacts the nervous system (where stress begins in your body) and can improve your overall quality of life. Let’s find out how chiropractic care can reduce stress in the body!

Understanding the Multi-Faceted Nature of Stress

Your body interprets stress the same way, regardless of the cause. It can be a physical stressor, such as strain from a physically demanding job, or physical trauma like a car accident. Stress can be mental or emotional (ever get a headache after an argument or a particularly tough algebra problem?) It can even be a chemical stressor from an imbalanced diet or exposure to toxins. 

When you experience stress your body’s “fight or flight” response kicks in. Muscles tense up, and your nervous system goes into high alert. Often the stressor doesn’t go away immediately and the nervous system can get “stuck” in that heightened state. Whether it’s a sudden stressor or a build up over time, stress of any kind can lead to an array of health issues, including subluxation.

This is where chiropractic care comes in. Chiropractic adjustments focus on the alignment of your spine and the effect on your nervous system. Misaligned vertebrae can block the flow of nerve signals through nerve irritation or pressure, leading to physical tension, pain, gut issues, and other manifestations of stress in the body. By ensuring proper alignment, chiropractors can reduce and remove those subluxations, helping open up the flow of nerve signals. 

When your spine holds its alignment, your nervous system can better adapt to any stressors life throws your way!

Enhanced Mood and Mental Clarity

Chiropractic care doesn’t just address your physical body; it also can have a positive impact on your mental health. When your nervous system is functioning at its best, it’s elastic – easily bouncing from stress back to calm, sympathetic to parasympathetic. When you’re not “stuck” in the stress response you may experience an improved mood and mental clarity. By reducing the stress load on the nervous system, chiropractic adjustments help you maintain a more positive outlook and cope better with life’s mental and emotional stress.

Another way chiropractic care impacts your mental health is simply through empowerment. Feeling helpless about the health of your body is a major stressor and when you take an active role in your well-being, you become an advocate for yourself. Through regular visits and the adoption of healthy practices you can feel more in control of your body’s responses to stressors, be they physical, mental, or chemical. 

Getting Started with Chiropractic Care for Comprehensive Stress Relief

If you’re ready to reduce your stress, gain better coping mechanisms, and improve your quality of life, follow these steps!

  • Schedule a consultation with a qualified chiropractor: A great chiropractor will provide a thorough evaluation and analysis, with x-rays if needed, and create a personalized plan to address your specific needs.
  • Follow through: Regular chiropractic adjustments can yield the best results for any type of stress. Be patient, as it may take time to experience the full benefits as your body begins to heal itself.
  • Enjoy your newfound wellness: Chiropractic care will be an effective tool in your wellness lifestyle, helping unlock your body’s ability to adapt to stress to achieve better physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 

What our practice members say…

“I love this place!! They are so friendly and never fail to put a smile on your face. On top of that they are amazing at their job. They know what they are doing and it shows. Since I have been getting adjusted here my headaches have been so much better.” Kiersten L

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How You Can Benefit From Chiropractic Care in Wichita, Kansas

Wichita chiropractor, Dr. Ryan Dopps, serves individuals and families with specific chiropractic care to remove nervous system interference with the goal of improving overall health potential. 

Dopps Chiropractic NE 2350 N. Greenwich Rd. Suite #500 Wichita, KS 67226. Call 316-636-5550 for an appointment.

Follow on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DoppsNE 

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