wichita chiropractors ryan and denise dopps office

Is Chiropractic Essential Healthcare?

With social distancing becoming more important and widespread this week, going anywhere is an important choice. Recent recommendations say to limit your doctor visits to “essential care.” Is chiropractic essential right now?


While clearly not trauma care, principled chiropractic is about more than pain management. It’s about the nervous system. 

The nervous system gets information from every organ and system, while at the same time, transmitting instructions on how to function from the brain to the body. That includes your immune system.

The spinal cord, protected by your vertebrae, is vital to the nervous system as it connects to the brain.

Stress (physical, chemical and mental) can move your vertebrae so that they are putting pressure on the spinal cord. This interferes with how well your nervous system is functioning. 

Chiropractic adjustments move the bones to allow your body to function optimally. If there was ever a time to have our immune systems strong, our minds and hearts clear from stress, it’s now! Chiropractic IS essential healthcare. 

Immune System Booster Facts

  • White blood cells counts are higher within 15 minutes after a chiropractic adjustment, as shown in this study.
  • Chiropractic boosts your immune system as much as 200%. (“Pero R.” “Medical Researcher Excited By CBSRF Project Results.” The Chiropractic Journal, August 1989; 32.)
  • Relieving stress (emotional and physical) with chiropractic, improves how your body functions. You can read more here. 

Just over 100 years ago, there was another pandemic: the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919. Invaluable statistics came to light in that difficult time about the value of chiropractic care and fully functioning nervous systems.   

Our Protocols

As always, the wellbeing of you and your family is our highest priority at Dopps Chiropractic NE. We continue to follow and apply health and safety regulations, regardless of season or sickness. This is how we ensure that our practice members can trust us, not only for principled chiropractic adjustments, but for the office environment. 

We wanted to detail some of our sanitation and cleaning measures for you, as we all try to make wise, positive choices. We also want to empower you with peace and trust in our bodies’ innate intelligence, arming you with information. 

What We Are Doing

These include our normal protocols. We are adding extra thought to keeping everyone as healthy as possible.

  • We are giving specific, scientific adjustments so each nervous system functions optimally to boost immunity against all germs and viruses.
  • The office is being thoroughly and regularly sanitized.
  • We use hand sanitizer between each adjustment.
  • We pull new paper for each practice member.
  • If you do not want to use the keypad, just ask the front desk to sign you in.
  • We are working to be more efficient, avoiding crowding in the office.


  1. Continue to get adjusted, so your brain and body can communicate without interferences.
  2. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  3. Use an alcohol-based sanitizer.
  4. Keep away from others who are sick.
  5. Avoid touching handrails, door handles and other high traffic surfaces in public places.
  6. Avoid touching your face, nose, eyes, etc.
  7. Avoid non-essential travel.
  8. If you aren’t feeling well (even if it’s mild), stay home, rest and hydrate. 

According to the CDC, if you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider immediately. Your healthcare professional will work with your state’s public health department and the CDC to determine if you need to be tested for COVID-19. If you are feeling unwell, we ask that you please take steps to safeguard others and remain at home.

Dr. Ryan and Dr. Denise care about each of you so deeply, and want you to know we are here for you. Please call 316-636-5550 to make an appointment to ensure that your nervous system is clear and functioning or message us at doppsne@att.net with questions.

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