Chiropractic Mindset for Strong December and a Healthy New Year

The last few weeks of the year can be a struggle for all of us. We slide towards January thinking we’ll begin making good choices again with our New Year’s Resolutions. But by February, those have faded and we are once again coasting somewhere in below where we actually want to be. But not this year, not for you. Here’s some ways from Drs. Ryan and Denise Dopps on how to finish this year strong, and be ready for a new year of growth and health.

12 Days of Holiday Health

Dr. Denise wrote this post, The Twelve Days of Holiday Health, on the Wichita Moms Blog. It’s a list of easy things to do to take care of your physical and mental health during this season. This countdown includes eleven deep breaths, six meals prepped and two sources of laughter. Doing any of these steps will help your mind and body. Dr. Denise also lists a chiropractic adjustment as one of the four ways to move your body, along with massage, yoga and stretching. And an adjustment can actually boost your immune system!

“I used to be that person who would justify my bad health choices by saying ‘It’s the holidays, and I’m going to enjoy them!'” says Dr. Denise. “I constantly found myself paying for these decisions and feeling crummy by January. Finally I decided that enough was enough, and I became much healthier during the holidays through a few easy wellness intentions.”

Plan Future Health Now

December is also an important time to look ahead to the future. That includes big picture goals, as well as the smaller practical steps for how to achieve in success and health in 2019.

Stop putting off “getting healthier” and start with just one thing. It could be drinking more water, or getting more sleep. But a great way to begin is chiropractic adjustments that will get your body functioning and communicating better.

On his Instagram account, @letschalkaboutchiropractic, Dr. Ryan said, “As human beings, we have the ability to quickly adapt to different situations and lifestyles. None are more deadly than adapting to a sedentary lifestyle. For our brains to get the nourishment they need, we need to move. 90% of the nourishment our CNS receives comes from movement of the spine. As Chiropractors we understand that a healthy body is optimized by a healthy nerve system, fuels by high quality foods and energized by movement patterns. Set the stage for a healthy brain by having a healthy body!”

Don’t let financial restraints stop you from being committed to health next year – check out this post affordability where you can get purchase a year-long membership for reduced fee schedules. If a time commitment is what’s holding you back from health, read here about the exponential good that can come from a small investment, like a forest coming from a single acorn.

Because your mindset matters for your health and all the other areas of your life. Drs. Ryan and Denise are passionate about learning more about self-development, from podcasts (like Dr. Denise’s Adjust Your Vocabulary podcast), books, speakers and conferences from powerhouses such as Tony Robbins, and locally in Wichita, at the Gorgeous Strength Summit. This year of 2019 can be the year that you break free of whatever is limiting you from your potential. You can learn something new, go on an adventure or make a break through in a relationship.

What is your mindset as you finish your year? What goals do you want to achieve in 2019 and how are you going to get there?

If you are ready to finish strong, call 316-636-6550 and make an appointment with Dr. Denise or Dr. Ryan at their Wichita office, Dopps Chiropractic NE.


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