rusty truck your body doesn't need to function well dopps chiropractic ne

Your Body Doesn’t Need to Function Well…Does It?

I mean, what really matters is how you feel, right? It’s easy to assume that if you’re not in pain, then your body is doing ok.

However, that sensory fiber alerting the brain to pain, a change of environment, or disruption, is only a small percentage of what the nervous system does every day. Only about 10% of the nerve system tells you how you feel, giving your brain sensory input from the rest of the body. 

That means it’s fairly ridiculous to use pain as an indicator for how healthy we are. Our bodies stop functioning well long before we are hurting. If you wait until there are severe symptoms of an illness, it can be too late to do anything. There are many silent killers among diseases. The first sign of a heart attack can be death, and cancer can be advanced before a person knows it is present. 

If you want a healthy active life to chase your dreams, you absolutely need to know that your body is functioning well, no matter you may be feeling.

Why You Hurt When You Stop Moving

Did you know that mechanoreceptors, cells that respond to mechanical stimuli such as touch or sound, actually shut down pain receptors? When you’ve smashed your finger, you probably automatically shook your hand. The movement and friction overrides the pain fibers, because the mechanoreceptors travel faster to the brain and inhibit the pain signals. This offsets the amount of pain you feel.    

Ok, that quick anatomy lesson explains why active people feel fine going all day; then when they relax in bed and stop moving, they are in pain. It isn’t your bed or your mattress. More pain signals are reaching the brain because there is less traffic from mechanoreceptors. 

You may have heard in biology class that form follows function. It’s well-known from ancient times that the structure of the spine is foundational to your overall health.  In 400 B.C., Hippocrates said, “In disease first look to the spine.”

Principled chiropractic examines the spine, checking for dysfunction. Chiropractors use a specific corrective force, based off of scientific x-rays. It is not just a manipulation that triggers those mechanoreceptors into reducing pain momentarily. Chiropractic intentionally moves the vertebrae that are misaligned to allow the nervous system to send free flowing messages. 

It doesn’t take much of an interference to slow or shut down those messages. “The weight of a dime on a spinal nerve will reduce nerve transmission by as much as 60%,” reported Chang Ha Suh, PhD, Spinal Biomechanics Expert, University of Colorado. A specific chiropractic adjustment gently and purposefully removes that pressure.

How to Measure the Return of Function

At Dopps Chiropractic NE, we want you feeling better AND functioning better, so it’s important to assess both. As symptoms start to subside, re-exaluation x-rays are powerful because they show you that the structure is changing. Change in structure relates right back to form following function again. It’s great to have this visual that the specific adjustments you’ve received are beneficial.  

Function Outcome Assessments can help to quantify where a patient is at too. Dr. Ryan and Dr. Denise can also use the NeuroTherm Scanner, rolling it along the spine to see where there are nerve interferences are and where there is increased nerve activity. Click here to read more about how we can use this tool for diagnostics as well.  

There is a lot of evidence that on-going maintenance with chiropractic care, after symptoms improve, is still key. Circle of Docs shared this interesting report on lower back pain patients.

How you can get adjusted

If you are a patient of Dopps Chiropractic NE, but haven’t been adjusted in a while, click here to make an appointment immediately! Drs. Ryan and Denise Dopps can’t wait to catch up with you and take care of you.

If you are interested in becoming a patient and unlocking your body’s potential, sign up here! We are offering a Blog Special – $30 for your initial exam, x-rays and adjustment at our NE Wichita office (21st and Greenwich). Get started here and tell our office #NewPatient30.

If you are not in the Wichita area, reach out to us at and we will use our broad network to help find a principled chiropractor near you. 


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