Moving Those Rusty Joints
Are you feeling rusty? Does it take rubbing on some Bengay or a hot shower to get your frozen joints working?
Are you feeling rusty? Does it take rubbing on some Bengay or a hot shower to get your frozen joints working?
How much stomach acid does it take to digest a cheeseburger? Or, how much calcium is needed to heal a broken leg? How about a fever, how high should it reach to fight a common cold? You don’t need to surf Google for the answers, your INNATE search engine already knows. If you doubt there’s …
You woke up with a bad headache and sore neck this morning. You can barely turn your head without wincing in pain. Funny thing is, you have no clue how it happened. Well, maybe this will shed some light on what did. Your atlas is a small 2 oz bone that holds up the entire …
What do Daylight Savings Time and a Chiropractic Adjustment have in common? Both give you more LIGHT – get it! The primary purpose of Chiropractic is to locate and correct Subluxations. If you break the word down you get: SUB = less, LUX = light, and ATION = a condition. Subluxation literally means a state …
Question: If you drop a heavy brick on your foot, what’s the first thing you need to do to start the healing? Answer: Get the brick off your foot! Sounds simple, but it’s true. Your foot CAN’T heal until the offending pressure is removed first. The same principle applies to your Chiropractic care. A misaligned …
When rough air approaches, pilots put on the seat belt warning light to assure your safety during a turbulent flight. When Life gets bumpy, Chiropractic care can keep you ‘strapped in’ and safe too. During excessive physical, mental or chemical stress, our bodies react normally with a fight-or-flight sympathetic nerve system response, followed by a …
If you ever thought about canceling your appointment because you were sick and didn’t want to spread your germs to everyone in the office, think again. It’s actually the BEST time to come in. The field of neuro-immunology has well established the connection between a healthy nerve system and normal immune function. Chiropractic adjustments boost …
There’s much to love about Chiropractic – the science of nerve system function, the art of adjusting spines back into proper alignment. But the best part is the Principle behind it all. Physicians address body parts, psychologists analyze thoughts and clergy tend to matters of the spirit. But no one profession addresses all three – …
Safe driving is best accomplished when the roadways are clear. When they become congested (as with a blizzard) travel is impossible until someone opens them. The same can be said for the role of your Chiropractor. You want to drive from point A to point B = LIVE The roads are clogged with snow = …
You’ve probably set goals to improve your lifestyle and get your health on track in 2014. The question is, are you hanging out with the right people to succeed? There’s a saying that goes ‘if you want to be happy, hang out with happy people.’ The same can be said for being HEALTHY. Ever notice …