
Monumental Mindset: Think Like An Acorn

What if our mindset within a moment could provide you with momentum for something…monumental? Is what we believe really that powerful? This was the subject of a talk Dr. Ryan Dopps gave recently at the Gorgeous Strength Summit in Wichita. Dr. Ryan explained some of the beliefs that have historical kept people back, and what …

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Chiropractic and the Wind

Do you believe in the wind? Especially if you live here in Kansas, you definitely believe that the wind exists! You have seen the effects of the wind. It blows refreshing rain clouds over the plains from the Rocky Mountains. It whips into horrific tornadoes and blows out fences and windows in micro bursts. And …

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Thought of the Week: Service Engine Soon

on Instagram: #thoughtoftheweek || How silly is it to think of painting over the SERVICE ENGINE SOON light, just so we are not unconvinced with the warning?!? Taking pain relievers/NSAIDS or muscle relaxers are no different. Masking the symptoms (drugs) versus addressing the cause (refilling the oil) yield completely different results. Chiropractic addresses the …

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From Instagram: BJ Quote

on Instagram: Life comes from {A}bove {D}own {I}nside {O}ut. There is no better way to healing than to remove the interference in your life. That is the purpose of a specific scientific chiropractic adjustment. . . . #getchecked #getadjusted #adio #DE #LP #chiroblog #drdopps

Chiropractic and Rap

From Instagram: Andy Mineo

on Instagram: Amazing time last night @winterjamtour! It was great to see God move in our city! I had the privilege to adjust @andymineo, 10th Avenue North, @newsong_online and members of @itsbrittnicole. #chiroblog

Not a chance! Chiropractic

From Instagram: Healthy by Choice

on Instagram: #thoughtoftheweek | The choices we make determine our outcome! Like proper nutrition and a consistent exercise routine, an healthy nerve system is essential for a healthy life! Chiropractic is the most practice way to achieve a healthy nerve system. With your nerve system working properly, you have he highest potential of expressing …

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From Instagram:

on Instagram: #thoughtoftheweek || Unfortunately people come to a chiropractor as a last resort, when the future doesn’t look well or they have exhausted the medical route. Because chiropractic deals with restoring the flow of nerve impulses through the nerve system, it would make sense to see a Chiro if a person had a …

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From Instagram:

on Instagram: Reported in The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (2006) that chiropractic adjustments of the thoracic spine were associated with significant heart rate values and influenced the autonomic output of the heart, meaning that heart rates generally lower with the chiropractic adjustments because of the shift in the neurological communication of the …

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